Login/create an account on Squadi - Football (squadi.com)
Select your CURRENT Player Profile or Add a Participant (If NEW Player)
- If you select your Active Profile, click “Actions” and then “Register” & follow the required steps.
- If you select “New Participant Registration”, scroll to the bottom of the page and select the applicable tab as shown, *Registering Myself, * Registering a Family Member, *Registering a Non-Family Member
Under "Find a Competition" section, type “Sunshine Coast Futsal” in the Organisation Name box, scroll down and click the relevant League (either "Sunshine Coast Futsal League" OR "Noosa Futsal League"
If you're playing in the "Noosa Futsal League", please make sure you select that Competition.
Tick the box – "2024 Community Futsal Participation" under Membership Details and select the applicable Registration Age Group.
Select “Add Competition and Membership" button.
Complete the remaining details and once again click the “Add Competition & Membership“ button.
Once again, complete the remaining details and once again click the “Add Competition & Membership“ button.
If you have a Qld Government Fair Play Voucher, click on "+ Add Government Voucher" and select "Queensland Fair Play", enter the code and click on "Apply Code"
Ensure the $200.00 has been deducted from the Total Fees on the right hand side.
Review the details shown and click “I Agree” on the Terms & Conditions.
Hit the "Continue" button to proceed.
Proceed to payment screen, select your preferred payment option and pay for your registration by clicking the “Submit” button.